I found So Much More to be a great encouragement to what my parents are already implementing in their training of my sisters and I. Anna and Elizabeth's insights and information on the duty of daughters toward their fathers and families has been a blessing to me as I read the book.
Our duty as daughters is to be truly joyful and helpful in our fathers' house. This must be in place before marriage is to be considered,otherwise the newly-made home will be a disaster! Insights such as these are found throughout the book, supported by our Heavenly Father's words. Anna and Elizabeth also give information on the result of not being genuinely happy at home, namely, the sad state of our world since woman has claimed her supposed independence.
To sum up the entire book I would say that So Much More answers the biggest question a daughter may have: "What does the Lord want me to do with my life?" The answer? She has no farther to look than letting the Lord do His work through her as she goes about her daily life at home with her parents and siblings,encouraging, and lifting them up. Sound boring? Life lived in the hands of the Potter, letting Him have His way is never boring. (Eccl. 12:13, Phil. 2:13-16, 2 Cor. 2:14-15, John 17)
I encourage you to read this book and let God continue to conform you to His image through it!
Thank you Anna and Elizabeth for giving us So Much More!
In Christ,
Allison Marshall
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