Shalom! (Greetings)
The following recipe is for a wonderful herbal salve nick-named "B-F-C" for it's ability to heal Bone, Flesh, & Cartilage. I have used it for years as a healer for bruises, cuts and other wounds. I've even used it on my animals!
1/4 c. dried comfrey root
2 T. dried calendula flowers
2 T. dried goldenseal leaf
2 T. dried plantain leaf
2 T. dried mullein leaf
enough olive oil to cover herbs.
1/2 c. melted beeswax pieces
Procedure for making salve (first step herbal oil) :
-1 Finely crush the herbs by using mortar and pessel or by rubbing them through a course screen. Pour herbs into small crock pot. Cover with olive oil and mix thoroughly making sure the herbs are completely covered. stir a few times while heating mixture until it reaches 110-120 degrees. Let it cook for about 10 days. the mixture will turn very lumpy so it is important to stir it a few times a day.
-2 Press the oil through several layers of cheesecloth, or a piece of unbleached muslin.
-3 Pour the oil into a clean dry jar. let sit overnight. If there is any "sludge" at the bottom of the jar by morning, press through some cheesecloth again into another clean dry jar.
-4 store the oil in a labeled jar tightly capped and in a cool dark place. The shelf life is about 2 years, But I usually use it up before that time.
-6 To make the salve:
-7 Put the oil into a double boiler and heat to 150 degrees.
On a counter top area assemble salve containers that are clean, dry, and appropriately labeled.( I like to use small baby food jars or metal salve tins that are recycled) In
-8 In another double boiler slowly melt the wax until it is fluid. Watch it carefully and keep it stirred as wax left unattended will eventually catch on fire!!!!
-9 Slowly pour the melted wax into the hot oil stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. Once the wax incorporates into the oil, immediately remove mixture from heat and carefully fill your jars using a glass measurer with a spout. Clean your pans while they are still hot to remove the oil/ wax residue.
-10 Allow the tins or jars to sit still until the salve hardens. Then put on lids and store in cool dry, dark place. Salve will melt if left in the sun. This mixture has a shelf life of about 3 years.
Enjoy your salve!
~Maiden of Grace
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