We are so glad you are visiting our site! Our aim with this blog is to encourage ladies of all ages to rejoice in their God-given feminine roles as girls and women. We plan to update bi-weekly with Bible lessons, herbal information, reading suggestions, etiquette and craft ideas, musical 'notes', and much more! Please do visit often, and let us know what you think! We also welcome ideas and questions for what you see here, or would like to see :)
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Allison-Maiden of Truth
Annick-Maiden of Grace
Evvie-Maiden of Life
Catrina-Maiden of Purity
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Saturday, May 10, 2008

Because the plant is shade receptive, it is a beautiful addition to the landscaping below a tree or among bushes. The seeds of the Forget-Me-Not are very sticky and should be planted in a fertile compost mix where moisture is abundant. If seeds are planted in early Spring they will grow into a dome shaped plant and bloom the following spring. Blooms are evident from May through July at which point seeds can be gathered, collected, washed and stored for sowing the following year. Because they grow most profusely in shaded areas, Forget-Me-Nots should be planted 4-5” apart, in a general purpose fertilizer, covered in 1/8” of soil and mulched in the winter. As a biennial, the following spring, your garden will have a beautiful array of flowers in a large pool or mass.

The Forget-me-not are traditionally worn by Newfoundlanders on July 1st in remembrance of those Newfoundlanders who died during the First World War. July 1 was chosen because of the high number of casualties suffered by the Royal Newfoundland Regiment on 1 July 1916 during the Battle of the Somme.

Baklava for Mother's Day

- 1 (16 ounce) package phyllo dough
- 1 pound chopped nuts
- 1 cup butter
- 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
- 1 cup water
- 1 cup white sugar
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1/2 cup honey
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees F(175 degrees C). Butter the bottoms and sides of a 9x13 inch pan.
- Chop nuts and toss with cinnamon. Set aside. Unroll phyllo dough. Cut whole stack in half to fit pan. Cover phyllo with a dampened cloth to keep from drying out as you work. Place two sheets of dough in pan, butter thoroughly. Repeat until you have 8 sheets layered. Sprinkle 2 - 3 tablespoons of nut mixture on top. Top with two sheets of dough, butter, nuts, layering as you go. The top layer should be about 6 - 8 sheets deep.
- Using a sharp knife cut into diamond or square shapes all the way to the bottom of the pan. You may cut into 4 long rows the make diagonal cuts. Bake for about 50 minutes until baklava is golden and crisp.
- Make sauce while baklava is baking. Boil sugar and water until sugar is melted. Add vanilla and honey. Simmer for about 20 minutes.
- Remove baklava from oven and immediately spoon sauce over it. Let cool. Serve in cupcake papers. This freezes well. Leave it uncovered as it gets soggy if it is wrapped up.
This is our mother's chosen dessert for her special day! It is SO delicious! Baklava gets better 'with age', so try and make it even a day before your event to let the flavors 'mingle'. Rarely are there any leftovers :)
In Him,
FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good afternoon, my fair princesses! Greeting from the house of Marshall :) Sorry about the long delay in our blog posting. Life has been happening! God is good! Jesus saves! Heaven awaits us!!!
Now for my post:
excerpt taken from 101 Hymn Stories
I Will Sing The Wondrous Story
Frances H. Rowley Peter P. Bilhorn
" I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever; with my mouth will I make known Thy faithfulness to all generations."
Psalm 89:1
Frances Rowley was born in Hilton, New York, on July 25, 1854. Later he became a Baptist minister and served churches in Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Illinois. He has given the following account for the writing of this hymn:
" I was the minister of the First Baptist Church of North Adams, Massachusetts in 1886. The church and community were experiencing a period of unusual interest in religious matters, and I was assisted by a remarkable young Swiss musician by the name of Peter Bilhorn. One Sunday following the evening service he said, "Why don't you write a hymn for me set to music?" During the night these verses came to me. The original poem began "Cant You Sing the Wondrous Story?" However, when the song was first published by Ira Sankey in 1887, the phrase was changed to "I Will Sing the Wondrous Story".
This beautiful hymn was presented by Rowley to Ira Sankey as a gift. Sankey was so impressed with the merit and usefulness of this hymn that he published it in the 1887 edition of Gospel Hymns and Sacred Songs and Solos. It soon became one of the most popular songs in the entire collection.
I will sing the wondrous story if the Christ who died for me, How he left his home in glory for the cross of calvary.
I was lost but Jesus found me- Found the sheep that went astray, Threw his loving arms around me, drew me back into his way.
I was bruised but Jesus healed me- Faint was I from many a fall, Sight was gone and fears possessed me, But he freed me from them all.
Days of darkness still come o'er me- Sorrows paths I often tread, but the savior still is with me by his hand I'm safely led.
He will keep me 'til the river rolls it's waters at my feet- Then he'll bear me safely over where the loved ones I shall meet.
"Yes I'll sing the wondrous story- Of the Christ who died for me, Sing it with the saints in glory gathered round the crystal sea."
This hymn has meant so much to me these past few months, Sometimes I think it was written
just for me! I wrote some new music for it and sing it to myself all the time. God is so faithful, even when I fall, he's always there to pick me up again. Even while I endure the consequences of my actions, God 's mercy is that He will see me through all the way! So that I can be:
Grace under fire.
~With love,
Now for my post:
excerpt taken from 101 Hymn Stories
I Will Sing The Wondrous Story
Frances H. Rowley Peter P. Bilhorn
" I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever; with my mouth will I make known Thy faithfulness to all generations."
Psalm 89:1
Frances Rowley was born in Hilton, New York, on July 25, 1854. Later he became a Baptist minister and served churches in Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Illinois. He has given the following account for the writing of this hymn:
" I was the minister of the First Baptist Church of North Adams, Massachusetts in 1886. The church and community were experiencing a period of unusual interest in religious matters, and I was assisted by a remarkable young Swiss musician by the name of Peter Bilhorn. One Sunday following the evening service he said, "Why don't you write a hymn for me set to music?" During the night these verses came to me. The original poem began "Cant You Sing the Wondrous Story?" However, when the song was first published by Ira Sankey in 1887, the phrase was changed to "I Will Sing the Wondrous Story".
This beautiful hymn was presented by Rowley to Ira Sankey as a gift. Sankey was so impressed with the merit and usefulness of this hymn that he published it in the 1887 edition of Gospel Hymns and Sacred Songs and Solos. It soon became one of the most popular songs in the entire collection.
I will sing the wondrous story if the Christ who died for me, How he left his home in glory for the cross of calvary.
I was lost but Jesus found me- Found the sheep that went astray, Threw his loving arms around me, drew me back into his way.
I was bruised but Jesus healed me- Faint was I from many a fall, Sight was gone and fears possessed me, But he freed me from them all.
Days of darkness still come o'er me- Sorrows paths I often tread, but the savior still is with me by his hand I'm safely led.
He will keep me 'til the river rolls it's waters at my feet- Then he'll bear me safely over where the loved ones I shall meet.
"Yes I'll sing the wondrous story- Of the Christ who died for me, Sing it with the saints in glory gathered round the crystal sea."
This hymn has meant so much to me these past few months, Sometimes I think it was written
just for me! I wrote some new music for it and sing it to myself all the time. God is so faithful, even when I fall, he's always there to pick me up again. Even while I endure the consequences of my actions, God 's mercy is that He will see me through all the way! So that I can be:
Grace under fire.
~With love,
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