Because the plant is shade receptive, it is a beautiful addition to the landscaping below a tree or among bushes. The seeds of the Forget-Me-Not are very sticky and should be planted in a fertile compost mix where moisture is abundant. If seeds are planted in early Spring they will grow into a dome shaped plant and bloom the following spring. Blooms are evident from May through July at which point seeds can be gathered, collected, washed and stored for sowing the following year. Because they grow most profusely in shaded areas, Forget-Me-Nots should be planted 4-5” apart, in a general purpose fertilizer, covered in 1/8” of soil and mulched in the winter. As a biennial, the following spring, your garden will have a beautiful array of flowers in a large pool or mass.

The Forget-me-not are traditionally worn by Newfoundlanders on July 1st in remembrance of those Newfoundlanders who died during the First World War. July 1 was chosen because of the high number of casualties suffered by the Royal Newfoundland Regiment on 1 July 1916 during the Battle of the Somme.

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